Wednesday 17 August 2011

Savannah Slamma !!!!

Hey guys today we are going to chat it up about Savannah Slamma, contest videos from the late 80's. As I was growing up back then, it was tough to get a skate video. Once in a while there would be a skateshop that would open up, and and they would let us rent videos...yeah that's right! rent videos if they had them, but it was rare. and the shop would always go out of business eventually.   

In a lot of cases it was the local "video stop" that would have the odd skate film on the wall....but that was rare too. This is how I found Savannah Slamma.......the infamous contest video from Savannah Georgia.

This Video brings you back to the days of newspaper Thrashers and ramps with sponsor logos spray painted on them, this was truly an era of DIY punk rock skateboarding ......basically the video killed, the skating is amazing and raw....Street was starting to grow and you can see it in this video as rails are starting to come in and Gonz is showing us where things are going to turn with what i think is the first switch air? ..... a strong mix of ramps to street skating and crazy 80's era punk.........Guerrero  ollies so huge for what the technology offered it amazes me to this day,  and Cab's  early grabs are insane!....Dressen and Kendall always ripping, Danforth with his unique no ollie style and  Hosoi and the rest of the dogtown rippers killing the wallride ...........
                                        Always a good watch, and  gets me stoked to rip every time. 

                                         " its not a contest unless there is a car on the course"

Great vid and be sure to check Savannah Slamma II, and III 

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