Friday, 15 July 2011

BA.KU. Barrier Kult!!!!

It is time to dive down the rabbit hole kids..... If you are not familiar with the barrier knifing's of BA.KU. maybe that is for the best!!!!!

 If you were to close this blog, and roll away, never to speak of this posting again you will not be faulted in anyway.............But for those of you who wish to stay be WARNED! The BA.KU  dedication to transitional destruction is an alluring one, once you take that step into the darkness there is no turning back! 

Now for those of you who have stayed, welcome. today we are discussing the Barrier Kult.  Bread from the hills and bowls of Vancouver B.C. these minions of transitional loyalty go beyond the trendy, whats latest in the game, but decide to dig down to skateboarding's core "transitions" and that being said the tightest of transitions. My fascination with BA.KU. comes first from my roots growing up in Vancouver, raised and molded by hardcore concrete locals, who would expect nothing other than a diehard dedication, so I get it....when I first stumbled across Deerman of Dark Woods and  the Barrier Kult,  it screamed what most older skaters were looking for..... a pull back from the latest tricks marketed to the hordes of little kids, and a focus on flat pig decks and tight transitional annihilation, to that I say *#%$ yeah. With the support of Skull Skates and ski mask's, the Barrier Kult was ready to unleash its doctrines on the world.... Nice. 

The members remain a close guarded secret, and should remain that way..........but the radness continues, if you keep your eyes open in a remote ditch or hidden barrier location, you might just spot one of the elusive beasts in its natural domain.........

Barrier Blog:

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