Monday 11 July 2011

Skateboard gimmickry.

Today we are focusing on the products out there that just do not make sense, or as I like to call it "Skateboard Gimmickry"

If you cant spend the 1 hour it takes to learn to is another lame solution

There have been many gimmicks over the past years to deter your spending dollars with flashy advertisements promising indestructibility, the hopes that you will be a better skateboarder because of.

Nice pic sick....
We will begin with one of  the more infamous gimmicks Powell Peralta's XT  Boneite!

Don't get me wrong, I have ridden a ton of Powell boards, pre and post Boneite, and I understand the need to try new technologies, and the advancement of board construction. The only problem I have did the problems with Boneite not show up during testing?

To describe Boneite to you it was basically a form of tar paper I think?  that was placed in between a couple of layers and I think on the base and top sheet of the deck.....this product would suck in water like a sponge and virtually destroy your board. De-lamination and chipping were the major problem. The hardest part was the fact that you would ride 1 deck all year, the cost of a board was so expensive, and everyone had only one deck for the in six months your deck is a totally useless skate sponge...un-tradeable, and unwanted. After riding several great Powell boards of the early 80's, Boneite had moved me to Santa Cruz and it took a few years before I rode another Powell.

The next thing I want to touch on is board strength gimmicks, every year there is several board companies that focus on exciting new technologies....I could reach out and name some of the ones in the past but I would have to name pretty much every skate board company. but I am sure you get the idea.....fiberglass, carbon fiber, cross grain, no break points built in.....and so on and so on...this has been done year after year. Although it is always great to make a deck stronger, what I have found is that the boards that work best is just a regular Canadian maple deck pressed. Why pay more when you could just learn to land bolts....Don't get me wrong if you can make a deck stronger with the same pop, at the same price do it....I'm all for that! But to announce the latest industry changing technology year after year....why?

Now there are a lot of gimmicks out there, lights for your trucks, sparklers for your trucks (which if you ride Indy you'll spark just skate faster)....special slide pieces for trucks to make you nose slide easier, wheels with three urethane colors, (that will separate when riding). and dont forget about hollow core wheels.......there are an up-teen amount of gimmicks and special items to make you pro in one day. My best advice is stick to what has worked for the last 30 years, and if you want to go pro....practice harder!

Finally magnet shoes, need to try now.

Finally lets wrap this up with a gimmick, that I personally think should have stayed....the Infamous Santa Cruz Everslick, these decks not only had great shape but great slide....basically on anything, now you can debate that the Everslick would scrape and tear, but what I found is that with every board slide you would basically sand down the rough parts....Not only were the board shapes great at the time, but basically eliminating rails (which I still skate today) but in the spirit of moving street forward, Everslick was a great product. We all had them, and we all loved them.                                                                                            

Everslicks have now been re-released under the Santa Cruz banner, And Powell please don't ever bring back Boneite its not nostalgic...